
SDGs Declaration

Our company supports the United Nations' "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" and is committed to addressing local challenges and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities.

November 1, 2022
Shimane Masuda Electronics Co., Ltd.
CEO, Futoshi Hiratani

01Commitment to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Manufacturing and Human Development

As a manufacturing company responsible for the design, development, and mass production of semiconductors and various sensors, we address diverse needs and deliver high-quality products. To ensure a safe, secure, and comfortable life for society, we focus not only on technological expertise but also on employee education. Through these efforts, we support the community and contribute to its well-being.

  • Joint development of new products with national research institutions
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Improvement activities (Spiral-up activities)
  • Compliance education
  • Proposal activities
  • Inspection of regulatory documents
Respect for Human Rights

We are committed to ensuring a workplace environment where employees can work in good health and with a sense of fulfillment. This includes a thorough approach to occupational safety and health activities.

  • Mental health checks
  • Stress checks
  • Introduction of self-reporting systems
  • Establishment of a harassment consultation desk
  • Formation of a health and safety committee
  • General education (morals, manners)
  • Encouragement of planned annual leave and support for child-rearing
Environmental Conservation

Recognizing that the preservation of the global environment is a shared, top priority for humanity, we will continue to explore environmentally friendly manufacturing practices. In addition, we are committed to environmental improvement activities to preserve the beautiful local nature for future generations.

  • Beautification activities near the company
  • Coastal cleanup activities
  • Waste reduction initiatives
  • Recycling collection (paper, eco-caps, used clothing)
  • Yield 100% project
  • Energy conservation activities
Contribution to Local Community

Through initiatives that contribute to the revitalization of the Masuda City area, we are dedicated to achieving a sustainable local community.

  • Continuous employment of older workers
  • Promotion of employment for individuals with disabilities
  • Active participation in internships and tours
  • Hosting open company events
  • Proactive recruitment of local residents

02Commitment to Environmental Activities

アイコン Green Procurement

We recognize the preservation of the global environment as a critical issue and are committed to green procurement. We avoid using products that may have adverse effects on the environment or human health and prioritize doing business with companies that are actively engaged in environmental conservation activities. To continually reduce environmental impact, we will continue our efforts in developing and providing environmentally friendly products.

アイコン 5Rs Activities

We are actively working on waste segregation and promoting the recycling of materials such as plastics and paper. Currently, the recycling rate of waste plastics has reached 100%. Additionally, in response to production fluctuations, we return surplus raw materials, consumables, and equipment to suppliers for recycling and reuse, thereby maximizing the efficient use of resources. Our approach follows the 5Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, and Refuse, which guide our continuous efforts to minimize environmental impact and optimize resource utilization.

アイコン Energy Conservation Activities

Semiconductor products are precise electronic devices that are sensitive to temperature fluctuations, dryness, humidity, and dust. To maintain a clean environment with optimal temperature and humidity throughout the factory, we use energy-intensive air conditioning and air cleaning systems. Therefore, we are promoting energy-saving initiatives, such as the "return (circulation) of air conditioning systems," to reduce energy consumption and enhance energy efficiency.

アイコン Community Activities

As a member of the local community, we actively participate in environmental beautification activities and work towards contributing to the region. We take part in environmental beautification initiatives within our company’s location, engaging in tree planting and cleaning activities alongside local residents. Additionally, as part of our company efforts, we regularly recruit volunteers from our employees to carry out environmental beautification activities around our company.
Moving forward, we will continue to foster a strong environmental awareness across the entire company.

IoT Laboratory

Community Contribution

See, Touch, Create
Building a Safe and Secure Society Together with Us

We contribute to our community and society by combining our core technologies: sensor technology and communication technology. We are committed to creating a safer and more secure society through our daily efforts.
