Guidelines For Action


Charter of Conduct

1.Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We strictly adhere to all laws and rules, value social trust, and always act with integrity and fairness.
2.Provision of High-Quality Products and Services
We prioritize quality above all else, offering products that satisfy our customers. With a customer-first mindset, we strive to deliver the best products and the highest quality.
3.Proper Representation of Products and Services
We accurately represent the quality, content, and other details of the products and services we provide to our customers and business partners.
4.Fair Competition in Transactions
We comply with laws in our transactions and engage in fair and open competition with industry peers. We do not employ dishonest methods in the sale or procurement of products and services.
5.Relationship with Politics
We maintain a sound and proper relationship with politicians, political parties, and political organizations. We do not make illegal political contributions.
6.Relationship with Administrative Authorities
We maintain a sound and proper relationship with administrative authorities. We do not engage in illegal benefits or bribery.
7.Provision of Corporate Information
We provide timely and appropriate corporate information to our business partners and shareholders.
8.Environmental Conservation
We recognize the importance of environmental issues and contribute to the preservation of the global environment by reducing resource usage and waste. Through the development of environmentally friendly products and business activities, we will further fulfill our responsibility for environmental conservation.
9.Ensuring Employee Safety and Health
We will unite the full strength of the organization to ensure the safety and health of our employees in the workplace and strive to create a comfortable work environment.
10.Respect for Employee Dignity and Human Rights
We respect the dignity and human rights of all employees and strive to improve labor conditions to achieve employees' economic, mental, and time-based well-being and enrichment.
11.Contribution to the Local Community
We strive to engage in corporate actions that align with the common sense and expectations of the local community, such as cooperating in activities that contribute to local development and promoting a comfortable and safe living environment.
12.Exclusion of Antisocial Forces
We firmly reject any intervention by antisocial forces and organizations that threaten public order and safety. We do not provide any economic benefits to antisocial forces.

Executives and managers fully recognize that it is their important role to realize the spirit of this Corporate Code of Conduct. They will lead by example and ensure that all stakeholders are thoroughly informed. In the event of any violation of this Corporate Code of Conduct, the entire organization, led by the president, will work to resolve the issue, thoroughly investigate the cause, and make efforts to prevent recurrence. Furthermore, we will promptly and accurately disclose information about the incident both internally and externally, fulfill our accountability, and take strict disciplinary action against relevant employees, including the president. We strictly adhere to all laws and rules, value social trust, and always act with integrity and fairness.


Code of Conduct

  • 1 1. We regard this company as our own home and act with our colleagues as if they were family.
  • 2 2. We always maintain awareness of management principles and act as professionals in our work.
  • 3 3. We maintain a constant attitude of learning, driving both personal growth and the growth of the company.
  • 4 4. We always value character and strive to become individuals who are loved by our colleagues, business partners, customers, and members of the local community.
  • 5 5. We act with an awareness of the organization.
    However, we allow freedom to question the purpose or meaning, and to offer opinions and suggestions, while maintaining an attitude of listening to one another.
  • 6 6. We strive to maintain a polite attitude, appropriate language, proper attire, expressions, and etiquette, thereby enhancing our quality as SME members.
  • 7 7. We reject conventional thinking, vested interests, and formalism. We are committed to constantly striving for the highest efficiency and performance.
  • 8 8. We do not prioritize economic rationality, but instead uphold a commitment to quality above all else.
  • 9 We always praise those who set an example.
  • 10 We always strive to maintain a Win-Win relationship.
  • 11 We always pursue the happiness of our stakeholders, while never forgetting to express our gratitude to everyone.
  • 12 We always think about improvement and consider systematization.
  • 13 We value our families and home and prioritize harmony between work and personal life.
  • 14 We do not tolerate criticism or condemnation. We thoroughly reject such behavior.
  • 15 We build a relationship where we can openly discuss anything for the sake of the company and our colleagues, without fearing conflict, and we value directly expressing constructive criticism and suggestions.
  • 16 We constantly strive to keep our surroundings organized and tidy, and treat our workplace as a showroom, always aiming to maintain a clean and neat environment.
  • 17 We are always conscious of the actual situation, the actual materials, and reality, and make decisions based on our own information.
  • 18 We consider all assets as shared property of everyone and treat them with care. These assets include the company's image, equipment and materials, spaces, consumption habits, and many others.
  • 19 We respond with the utmost care, using a cheerful voice, being considerate not to keep others waiting, and paying attention to polite language.
  • 20 We give even more attention to email responses than to phone calls.
    We check the recipient's address twice before sending, review the content of the message three times, verify the attachments twice, and for important emails, we follow up with a phone call after sending.
  • 21 We always ensure that the company's items, equipment, tools, and computers are kept up to date.
  • 22 We are conscious of our pride as SME members, especially when outside the company, and act accordingly.
  • 23 We engage with customers who align with the "SME Way."

Our Morals

  • 1 Let’s greet others properly with a loud and clear voice. A greeting reflects confidence. Be confident in yourself!
  • 2 Let’s say "No" when something is wrong. Let’s build relationships where we can say "No"! And say "No" directly and confidently!
  • 3 Let’s report in a timely manner and without omission. Information becomes valuable when shared with others! Those who are good at reporting are good at their work!
  • 4 Let's respect deadlines. Never make promises you can't keep! Everything is a contract!
  • 5 Let’s actively participate and speak up. If you're not speaking, you're not participating! People like that are unnecessary!
  • 6 Let's think about how we can do it. Nothing will be solved by negating! Everything should be approached with a positive mindset!
  • 7 Let's do work that brings joy. Make everyone happy and praise yourself for it!
  • 8 Let's always question our own value. How can we become someone who is needed? That question will help us grow!
  • 9 Let's value a playful spirit. Become the kind of person who can have fun at work (but not by being lazy)!
  • 10 Let's clarify our goals. What is the purpose of this work? Self-reliance begins with that question!
  • 11 Let's always keep our promises. Trust begins with keeping promises!
  • 12 Let's constantly reflect on ourselves. Become the kind of person who can view our own actions and words from a third-person perspective!